- WBFF- Baltimore, MD — Women of Johns Hopkins Hospital are getting it done.Fox 45 Hometown Hotspot visits Renewal Upscale Resale! The Women’s Board has raised over $25 million to support patient care at The Johns Hopkins Hospital since 1927. Shop at Renewal Upscale Resale to… Read more: WBFF- Baltimore, MD — Women of Johns Hopkins Hospital are getting it done.
- The Women’s Board Celebrates 97 Years of History and Service at JHHSince 1927, The Women’s Board of The Johns Hopkins Hospital has funded and supported advancements in patient care. In addition to managing the gift shops on the JHH campus, The Board operates two resale stores in the Baltimore… Read more: The Women’s Board Celebrates 97 Years of History and Service at JHH
- RENEWAL New HoursTuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- On the road with logo wear and the Carry On ShopEmployees and staff of Johns Hopkins are major customers of logo wear for COS and the Gift Shops. In many cases, they are allowed to wear logo apparel at work. With a strong… Read more: On the road with logo wear and the Carry On Shop
- 24th Johns Hopkins Golf ClassicGolfers at the 24th Johns Hopkins Golf Classic relax and enjoy sliders after their rounds. Generous sponsorship support, especially from Title Sponsor Baird Private Wealth Management and Titanium Sponsor Venable, along with gorgeous… Read more: 24th Johns Hopkins Golf Classic
- WB Grant Enables IVF Treatment for Women with Severe Fertility Challenges Thanks to a grant from the Women’s Board, the first successful egg retrieval for In Vitro Fertilization has been completed at the east Baltimore Johns Hopkins Hospital! The Johns Hopkins Fertility Center routinely… Read more: WB Grant Enables IVF Treatment for Women with Severe Fertility Challenges
- The world of the Carry On ShopCustomers of the Carry On Shop come from six of the seven continents. Daily visitors include students, researchers and residents from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Oceana. Antarctica coming… Read more: The world of the Carry On Shop
- Stevie Daniels and WMAR visit Renewal!Stevie Daniels came to shop. She loved what she saw, and returned to Renewal two days later — with a WMAR camera team to film a feature on the store! The video footage… Read more: Stevie Daniels and WMAR visit Renewal!
- Stories from the Women’s Board ShopsLast week, as two friends paid for their finds at Renewal, they said they knew by waiting a few days for Black Friday, they would save 30%. They went ahead and purchased at… Read more: Stories from the Women’s Board Shops
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hosts Event at Carry On ShopThe Carry On Shop hosted an after-hours event for the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation on Oct 24. It was a time to eat, drink, mix and mingle, and comb the treasures… Read more: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hosts Event at Carry On Shop
- Gift Shop in Outpatient Center Enlarged, a New LookThe Gift Shop on the ground floor of the Outpatient Center is now open, freshly renovated, twice its former size, and well stocked with attractive merchandise. Items range from Johns Hopkins logo wear… Read more: Gift Shop in Outpatient Center Enlarged, a New Look
- Bridal/Special Occasion Event, October 26New and Vintage Wedding Gowns and Evening Wear.
- Carry On Shop at the Farmer’s MarketThe COS team has truly enjoyed the four Farmer’s Markets that they have participated in. The weather was beautiful. They shared congeniality while promoting the Women’s Board, the Carry On Shop, Gift Shops,… Read more: Carry On Shop at the Farmer’s Market
- The Women’s Board invites you to the Farmers’ MarketThe Carry On Shop will have a table at the Johns Hopkins Farmers’ Market on Thursday, September 28, and Thursday, October 12, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm on the walkway between the… Read more: The Women’s Board invites you to the Farmers’ Market
- WB Videographer Receives National RecognitionIn videotaping interviews with recipients of Women’s Board annual grants for the web site, the Board is fortunate to be able to draw upon the talent and skill of member Sharen Becker. Her… Read more: WB Videographer Receives National Recognition
- Shop on line – JH Logo Giftware and Performance WearTime to shop – Visit the online offerings for Johns Hopkins logo items, via the Women’s Board web site, to see what’s new. Adding to the wide range of performance Under Armour wear,… Read more: Shop on line – JH Logo Giftware and Performance Wear
- More on the Women’s Board and the Johns Hopkins Farmers’ Market…In the week or so since the Carry on Shop hosted a stand at the Farmers’ Market, sales at the store have been brisk. A result of exposure at the Market? Many who visited… Read more: More on the Women’s Board and the Johns Hopkins Farmers’ Market…
- In midsummer, members are working to further our mission!Several who are involved with the Carry On Shop sponsored a stand selling Johns Hopkins logo wear as well as cups, lanyards, and refillable bottles at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Farmers’ Market. Guests… Read more: In midsummer, members are working to further our mission!
- Logo Wear and Gifts OnlineLogo wear and logo gifts are available online. Support the Women’s Board with a purchase!
- RENEWAL Summer HoursThe summer hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm.
- Thrilling COS purchase leads to …Among the many delightful, loyal shoppers at the Carry On Shop is Dr. Edward McFarland. On his latest shopping expedition, the renowned orthopaedic surgeon bought a special gift for his wife. That was only after quickly… Read more: Thrilling COS purchase leads to …
- Carry On Shop – Tale of the Wedding GlassesIn 1979, a young student in his first year at the Medical School visited the Carry On Shop. While there he purchased two etched crystal glasses for $2.00 each for himself and his… Read more: Carry On Shop – Tale of the Wedding Glasses
- Funding to Burn UnitUltraviolet Light (UVL) has been shown to kill dangerous bacteria which frequently cause infections in burn unit patients including Staphylococcus aureus (staph), Pseudomonas, and Clostridium difficile spores. In 2017, the Women’s Board purchased… Read more: Funding to Burn Unit
- Cocktails for a CauseThe May issue of Guilford Stroll features Cocktails for a Cause, an event toencourage donations for the Carry On Shop. The COS team hosted Guilford neighbors in March for a night out, showcasing… Read more: Cocktails for a Cause
- WYPR and Sustainable FashionOn WYPR, Midday with Tom Hall, Joan Quinn and Susan Posner did a fantastic job of promoting sustainable fashion and the Carry On Shop and Renewal Upscale Resale. Click here to listen what… Read more: WYPR and Sustainable Fashion
- Dreams of the Golf Classic Team 2023Monday, May 8 dawns a gorgeous day with blue skies and perfect temperature for golf. The full complement of 100 golfers are ready for a great round of play on the beautiful course… Read more: Dreams of the Golf Classic Team 2023
- SustainabilityAt noon on Thursday, April 20, on WYPR, Tom Hall is doing an interview with Susan Posner and Joan Quinn about the contributions the Carry On Shop and Renewal Upscale Resale make to… Read more: Sustainability
- COS CustomerAs April is upon us, Guilford Stroll is featuring the Carry On Shop in the fourth of a wonderful series of articles on the Women’s Board. Nathan Diennes, of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine… Read more: COS Customer
- Kathy’s passion for vintage clothingKathy Abbott has been a proud member of the Women’s Board since 2011. It all started in 2009, when Pam Hindsley, then Best Dressed Sale chair, wisely asked her to help with Vintage… Read more: Kathy’s passion for vintage clothing
- Treating Spasmodic DysphoniaA few years ago Marge (not her real name) was having lunch with her daughter and grandson when she noticed that her voice sounded different. She told her daughter that she felt as… Read more: Treating Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Check Out Stroll GuilfordIn November and December, the magazine featured complimentary half page ads for the Carry On Shop. Then in January, an article introduced the Women’s Board and the Carry On Shop to Guilford readers. … Read more: Check Out Stroll Guilford
- Bag Sale at the Carry On ShopBuy one or more Carry On Shop brown bags for $20 each. Fill with men’s and women’s clothing, no logo wear, accessories, shoes, jewelry or housewares. The contents are yours. No ripping allowed! Bring your own bags to take your… Read more: Bag Sale at the Carry On Shop
- Bridal gownA Hopkins fellow says yes to two dresses complete with two veils. She was just gorgeous and also purchased three white new dresses with tags attached to wear to her wedding- related events… Read more: Bridal gown
- Carry On Shop provides respite and solaceThe other day Lisa, the mother of an eight year old with cancer, requested Carry On Shop cards to bring back to Children’s Oncology. She described how wonderful the shop is to her… Read more: Carry On Shop provides respite and solace
- Bridal Wear Event!Renewal is hosting our 2nd Bridal/Special Occasion Event this Tuesday, 3/14 from 5pm to 8:30pm. NEW AND VINTAGE WEDDING GOWNS BRIDAL PARTY AND FLOWER GIRL DRESSES EVENING WEAR, VEILS & TUXES Enjoy some… Read more: Bridal Wear Event!
- Shop for Logo Wear OnlineStarting today Johns Hopkins performance logo wear is now available to purchase online.
- A day in the life of the Women’s Board President7:30AM Thursday morning. I overslept like every Thursday. Mid-week exhaustion! (It couldn’t be that I HAD TO watch more than 2 episodes of The Recruit last night). Luckily, Tuesdays and Thursdays are my… Read more: A day in the life of the Women’s Board President
- Sip & Shop at the Carry On ShopJoin us on Tuesday, March 7th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Carry On Shop as we sip cocktails and enjoy light fare while shopping for a great cause! The Carry On… Read more: Sip & Shop at the Carry On Shop
- Bride Says Yes to the GownA beautiful bride came in to Renewal looking for a bridal gown for her October wedding. With Kathy Abbott’s exceptional customer service, she found the perfect upscale resale bridal gown!
- Renewal New HoursRenewal is now open on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in addition to Tuesday though Saturday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.