Grants Awarded News Women's Board

WB Videographer Receives National Recognition

In videotaping interviews with recipients of Women’s Board annual grants for the web site, the Board is fortunate to be able to draw upon the talent and skill of member Sharen Becker. Her interviews explain the impact of the awards from the Board in advancing patient care at Johns Hopkins.

Sharen’s first documentary short film has been accepted at festivals across the country including Orlando FL and Davis CA, and has won Best Document Short in the American Golden Picture International Film Festival. Using a cell phone, she videoed the story of Charm City Ballet, as the troupe attempted to make a comeback following the Covid-19 shutdown. The ballet company strived to keep the dancers inspired and well trained as they worked to produce a full-length ballet after being closed for two years. During the awards season public screenings of the video are not allowed outside of the film festivals. As soon as possible, the Women’s Board will have the chance to see the work celebrating Charm City Ballet. Congratulations Sharen!