Carry On Shop

COS Customer

As April is upon us, Guilford Stroll is featuring  the Carry On Shop in the fourth of a wonderful series of articles on the Women’s Board.  Nathan Diennes, of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Development Office, recounts his fun and finds as he spends time at the shop– the thrill of the hunt amid the varied, ever changing merchandise; the joy of a special find as well as a great deal;  the delight of meeting the volunteer team, John the manager, and of course the loyal customers.  The stories of these customers are part of the spirit of the shop.  They include students new to Johns Hopkins “thrift shopping” for furnishings and wall art, employees and staff of the medical campus browsing during a needed break, faithful followers checking in to see what’s new, lovers of vintage clothing, along with people who use the store and visits with John and the team as a chance to find affordable things, experience caring and kindness.