Carry On Shop Renewal

WYPR and Sustainable Fashion

On WYPR, Midday with Tom Hall, Joan Quinn and Susan Posner did a fantastic job of promoting sustainable fashion and the Carry On Shop and Renewal Upscale Resale.   Click here to listen what they had to say, and hear the words of a woman who called in.  A dedicated “thrifter” who praised hospital resale shops as being the best for great finds, excellent prices, and clean, welcoming environments.  When Tom asked Joan and Susan what they wished for the shops — a steady stream of generous donors and new and returning shoppers!


Dreams of the Golf Classic Team 2023

Monday, May 8 dawns a gorgeous day with blue skies and perfect temperature for golf.  The full complement of 100 golfers are ready for a great round of play on the beautiful course of the Greenspring Valley Hunt Club.  Women’s Board volunteers are in place, greeting and organizing. The continually growing 50-50 raffle kitty is approaching $12,000.  The golfers must feel a bit unlucky because they are buying as many mulligans as possible.  Those feeling lucky are looking forward to winning the silent auction golf get away! This adds up to a successful day to add to the over $2 million the Golf Classic has contributed to Johns Hopkins through the years!